- Antitrust
- Class Actions
- Consumer Protection
- Employee Rights
- Equal Pay
- Patient Safety
- Personal Injury
Federal and state antitrust laws are designed to promote commercial competition and prohibit price-fixing and other forms of anticompetitive conduct.
Learn more about our Experience with Antitrust Cases.
A “class action” means a lawsuit brought on behalf of a group of similarly situated people. Class Actions are most frequently used when the harm done to each individual class member is too small to warrant an individual lawsuit.
Learn more about our Experience with Class Action Lawsuits.
State law provides special protections for consumers against a variety of unfair and predatory business practices. We work to vigorously protect the rights of everyday consumers.
Learn more about our Experience with Consumer Fraud Cases.
State and federal laws provide consumers with remedies for products that do not perform as warranted or as advertised. Our attorneys have experience and a demonstrated track record of successfully prosecuting claims on behalf of individuals and classes who have suffered economic or personal injury as the result of a defective product, or who have purchased products that simply did not work as represented.
Learn more about our Experience with Defective Product Cases.
Under the laws of most states, employees are entitled to overtime pay at a rate of one and a half times their hourly rate when working more than 40 hours per week. Employees are also entitled to meals and rest breaks and must be properly paid for attending meetings and other off-the-clock tasks required by their employer.
Learn more about our Experience with Wage and Hour Violation Cases.
Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religion is illegal. Workplace discrimination can include getting inferior job assignments, being passed over for promotion or enduring demeaning comments or offensive materials in the work place. Every employer has the duty to prevent a hostile work environment under both state and federal law.
Learn more about our Experience with Workplace Discrimination Cases.
Everyone has the right to work in an environment free of sexual harassment. If your employer has penalized you, made benefits of your job conditioned on acceptance of sexual advances, or created a hostile work environment, you may be entitled to damages.
Learn more about our Experience with Sexual Harassment Cases.
Under California law, pregnant women are protected from harassment and discrimination. Further, they are entitled to accommodations in their work duties and sometimes schedule to account for the pregnancy and pregnancy related health issues.
Learn more about our Experience with Pregnancy Discrimination Cases.
It’s hard to believe that even today, some women are not paid the same as men for the same work. In fact, on average a woman working full time makes 80 cents to every dollar that a man makes. This isn’t right, and we are here to help women stand up for their right to equal pay.
Learn more about our Experience with Equal Pay Lawsuits.
Pharmaceutical companies do not always put the health and safety of patients first. All too often, sales and profits drive decisions regarding drug and medical device development, testing and labeling. When a pharmaceutical company fails to adequately test a drug or medical device, or designs a drug or device that is defective, serious injury, and sometimes even death, can result.
Learn more about our Experience with Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Cases.
When a health care provider fails to deliver proper medical treatment or departs in any way from acceptable standards of care or safety, the injured patient may be eligible for financial compensation. We help individuals who have suffered due to substandard treatment, misdiagnosis and other breaches in a healthcare providers’ obligation to meet a minimum duty of care, to achieve the compensation they deserve.
Learn more about our Experience with Medical Malpractice Cases.
Andrus Anderson represents victims who have suffered kidney-related injuries after taking proton pump inhibitors (“PPIs”). PPIs present an increased risk of kidney disease or kidney failure.
Learn more about our Experience with Proton Pump Inhibitors.
As members of our communities, individuals and corporations are obligated to obey the law and abide by certain standards of care to insure the safety and well being of others. When these obligations are breached and an injury results, the injured party may be entitled to compensation for physical and/or emotional injury, or for damage to property.
Learn more about our Experience with Personal Injury Cases.