Personal Injury
As members of our communities, individuals and corporations are obligated to obey the law and abide by certain standards of care to insure the safety and well being of others. When these obligations are breached and an injury results, the injured party may be entitled to compensation for physical and/or emotional injury, or for damage to property.
Personal injury claims arise from a variety of circumstances, including:
- automobile collisions
- medical malpractice
- wrongful death (e.g., drunk driver kills a pedestrian, doctor negligently causes a patient’s death)
- unsafe or defective products
- traumatic brain injury
- child sexual abuse, or
- hazardous conditions on public or private property
Remedies for personal injury claims are broad and may include compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, past and future medical expenses, disability and/or loss of a loved one.
In order to make a claim for a personal injury, you must have actually been damaged in some way. For example, if you slipped and fell because of someone else’s negligence, but were not injured, you would not be able to recover any damages. In addition, one must establish that the wrongdoers owed a duty of care, which they failed to uphold.
Our attorneys have the expertise and experience to navigate the complex issues of law and fact impacting any personal injury matter to determine what potential remedies may be available. We are currently litigating numerous personal injury lawsuits on behalf of both individuals and groups, including cases involving dangerous prescription drugs, motor vehicle collisions, and medical malpractice.
If you have been injured and believe you may be entitled to compensation, please click here to fill out a personal injury intake form and/or to request more information about your legal rights and remedies. In all matters involving personal injury, it is essential that measures be taken promptly to preserve evidence, investigate the incident in question, and to file a lawsuit prior to the deadline imposed by the statute of limitations.